
May 31 2021 - Jun 08 2021


18:00 - 20:00

Coping with stress during the pandemic (online)

Are you looking for an interactive seminar that gives you ideas on how to cope with current stressful situations?


• Would you like to know how to better cope with challenges and worries in the current situation?
• Would you like to know how to cope with recurring thoughts ?
• Would you like to know how other people cope with current challenges?
• Are you interested in learning different mindfulness and stress management techniques?

• exchange
• exchange in small groups
• theoretical input
• self-reflexion
• trying out different mindfulness and stress management techniques

This event has two parts:
Part 1: Monday, May 31st 2021 from 6-8:30 pm
Part 2: Thursday, June 24th 2021 from 6-8 pm

Price (for private people):

115 € + VAT; Early bird (up to 4 weeks before): 95 € + VAT